noscriptCopper Soft Faced Hammers | Cromwell Tools


Copper Soft Faced Hammers

8 Variations

Available in a variety of sizes, these copper faced, cast iron head hammers act as a safer alternative for striking machined surfaces than conventional steel hammers. Both faces have been designed to be impact resistant, thus minimising rebound damage to the desired component and reducing noise pollution in the work place. The striking faces can be easily replaced once they have become worn, as can the wooden hammer handle to keep your tool working smoothly.

Features and Benefits
• Two pure electrolytic copper faces reduce noise pollution in the workplace and prevent rebound
• Delivers high impact hits without damaging machinery or surfaces
• Wooden handle is designed for optimum grip and comfort whilst using
• Cast iron head is durable and delivers strong impact blows
• Each individual component can be replaced to maximise performance over time

Typical Applications
• Ideal for heavy duty uses on machinery and other materials that require high impact with little damage and marks

• Copper faces and handle can be replaced using the following Manufacturers Part Number:
• Replacement Copper Face - 71-308C
• Replacement Wooden handle - 99-AA